Last week I had the opportunity to see Holland from the sky! Since I work at the Dutch aerospace foundation NLR one of my coworkers has his pilot’s license and invited me for a flight. I couldn’t say no.

We took off in Rotterdam and did a short flight to Seppe where we had a drink and some food. Then we took off again and flew North to the coast line and then followed the coast line back until the river that took us back into Rotterdam. It was my 1st time flying in a single piston aircraft.

Here’s a picture of me and the Piper Warrior plane we flew in:

Some windmill scenery:

The coast of the Netherlands along the North Sea:

Some pictures from flying into the harbour of Rotterdam:

The best part was that I even got to control the yoke and pedals during flight. I learned a lot about flying and the controls of an aircraft. Here’s a picture of me in the plane. Doesn’t the headset look so awesome?! :)
