Sorry I have not been diligent with my posting. I don’t have any really good reasons, just excuses.

Last month, on May 26, 2012 I went to Cologne, Germany with my Uncle! We had a very good time exploring as well as bonding on our trip. We had many good discussions and jokes. We also got to drink some true Germany thick dark beer and some bratwurst and sauerkraut. (Tastes so good!) :)

Cologne is famous for the big church in the center of the city. This set of pictures all have the connection that they are relate to the church.

This 1st picture is on the church floor. It caught my eye:

Something really funny about going to a tourist city is that there are tourist everywhere! There were people taking pictures of anything and everything. It was quite funny. I always like taking pictures of people taking pictures so here is a collage of some of the pictures of people taking pictures. :P

Also, it was quite interesting to see large groups of people all looking in the same direction at the same time.  As you can see there are all wearing a set of cheap headphones.

These are two views of the church from across the river.

So I hope you enjoyed the photos. :) I will try to post more often. I have a lot of photos to catch up on, plus I’m still in Holland for just over a month!
