This past weekend was a holiday long weekend for me since Thursday was a day national day off and I booked Friday off. I spend four entire days in Amersfoort with my wonderful Uncle and Aunt where we had a very good time getting to know each other better. My very first night there I looked out my bedroom window and saw this spectacular sight. Amazing eh?

Here is the same shot during the day to see the contrast.

On Thursday afternoon my Uncle and Aunt took me to a place called Dijk bij Duurstede. One our way there we stopped by the graveyard to visit some loved ones graves. This first picture is from the graveyard.

These next couple photographs are from the town of Dijk bij Duurstede itself.

This is my lovely Uncle and Aunt walking near a windmill:

We also went to a hidden haven that very few people know. It is this enormous house with a massive garden / park.  It was amazing.  Doesn’t this house look so surreal?

On Friday I had the entire day to myself so I explored Amersfoort. It is an extremely beautiful city with many old buildings. It holds much character and hidden secrets.

This might be one of my favourite pictures I have ever taken. It was completely spontaneous and I took the picture while having an apple in my mouth. I think it describes Holland very well. With the cobblestone walk-way, the orange bike, and the canal with a bridge there are so many typical Dutch things in this one picture. :)

On the Saturday we went to Utrecht for a day trip. I have some pictures of 2 of the 5 churches we visited.

To end off I’m going to try something new:

I’ve never done a black and white photo before so I’d thought I’d give it a try. I think these pictures almost look like paintings. You also might tell I’m growing very found on bike pictures. ;)

So that was a fair bit of pictures for one blog post.  Ho man…

Next weekend I will be visiting my other Uncle and Aunt and family in Nijkerk and we are planning a day trip to some currently unknown location.
