Hey everybody!

It’s been a long time since my last post eh? At least 4 months or so. I was taking full time summer courses back home in BC. However, now I’m back in Ontario for another co-op work term. I plan to join the photography club again to continue my hobby as a photographer.

This next set of photos were actually taken last April. I was going through some of my photos and completely forgot about them. I thought I should share them because fire-spinning is totally amazing!!!

You may recall awhile back I had a post on Light Painting and I had some pictures of a guy called Dhruva. We kept in contact and he invited me to catch some action shots of him and his friends. Thanks a lot guys!!!





These next two are closer up shots of the performers:



I really like this next shot because it gives a good feel for the atmosphere.


I recall that I used to have a Star Trek quote each post… I’ve gotten through the entire series of TNG and unfortunately am not watching any Star Trek anymore.

Thankfully, my engineering training is coming in useful and I was quickly able to find a document with a bunch of quotes I logged. Great eh? :) This is a dialogue between Q and Jean-Luc Picard.

Q: I gave you something most mortals never experience. A second chance at life. And now all you can do is complain?

PICARD: I can’t live out my days as that person. That man is bereft of passion and imagination. That is not who I am.

Q: Au contraire, he’s the person you wanted to be. One who was less arrogant, and undisciplined as a youth. One who was less like me. The Jean-Luc Picard you wanted to be, the one who did not fight the Nausicaan, had quite a different career from the one you remember. That Picard never had a brush with death, never came face to face with his own mortality, never realized how fragile life is or how important each moment must be. So his life never came into focus. He drifted for much of his career, with no plan or agenda, going from one assignment to the next, never seizing the opportunities that presented themselves. He never lead the away team on Milika Three to save the ambassador, or take charge of the Stargazer’s Bridge when its Captain was killed. And no one ever offered him a command. He learned to play it safe. And he never, ever got noticed by anyone.

PICARD: You’re right, Q. You gave me the chance to change and I took the opportunity. But I admit now, it was a mistake.

Q: Are you asking me for something, Jean-Luc?

PICARD: Give me a chance to put things back the way they were before.

Q: Before you died in Sickbay. Is that what you want?

PICARD: I would rather die as the man I was than live the life I just saw.

– Star Trek TNG S6E15: Tapestry